Early ischemic changes

Weekly Workout January 28, 2018
ECG Basics & Fundamentals: how frequently should you obtain serial ECGs in patients with concern for ACS

HPI: A 65-year-old patient is brought in by EMS for a chest pain history that is concerning for ACS. The following ECG is obtained: Case ECG Before watching this week’s…

Weekly Workout August 14, 2017
Literature Review: what do you do when ST-segment elevation in STEMI resolves before cath lab activation

A 49-year-old man presents with chest pain and diaphoresis while riding his bike. His ECG shows inferior and posterior STEMI. After aspirin and nitroglycerin, the patient’s symptoms resolve and the…

Weekly Workout August 7, 2017
STAT ECG Diagnoses: beware the checkmark sign

A 51-year- old woman presents with progressive left wrist pain for the past 2 weeks. She also reports intermittent chest pain, back pain, headache and malaise. The following ECG was obtained…

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