Amal, you are such a great teacher and role model for the all the professions medical, nursing and paramedics/EMT.
I’m a CC-Paramedic for the last 10 years in Minnesota and your teaching on 12 leads have been with me every step of the way. I have taught dozens of EMS students and peers via your website and team. Thank you so much for your efforts to this area of our field. Your enthusiasm for teaching the 12 lead is so appreciated to me and all who I share your videos with. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I’m an Haitian Emergency Physician. This is a young specialty in my country. With Amal teaching, me as a pioneer was able to bring high medical education to my residents and colleagues, especially emergency cardiology, for the past 5 years. Thank you Amal
I am a 67 year old part-time internist who was on faculty at the University of Ky Dept. of Medicine for 20 years. I now have a Functional Medicine practice that does individual precision medicine. I don’t need to read EKGs anymore, but I found your program several years ago when studying for an exam. As an internist, I always loved reading EKGs. I love teaching, too and appreciate a good teacher. I use your program to learn because I like the subject matter. I’ve kept up the subscription now, for years, because you make it fun!
Thanks for leading the next generation of physicians. I have also shared your program with my daughter who is in her third year of internal medicine residency. Keep up the good work! You are appreciated.
I absolutely love the ECGWeekly. I am an EMS Captain with Fire Rescue and use it for continued knowledge and education. I then pass the knowledge onto my Paramedics.
I am enjoying your weekly ECG video podcast for so many years now. Keep the spirit going. I appreciate you are not doing it for the money. You have educated a lot of doctors. You have have kept the price down so there is no excuse not to join the membership to master ECG. Thank you so much for your contribution to education.
Hi Amal,
I’ve been listening to your ECG tutorials for many years. I started when I was a final year medical student after stumbling upon some free videos on an older website. I am currently an ED trainee towards end of my training. I feel your tutorials have played an important role in shaping the doctor I am today. I always recommend them to people who needs help with ECGs. I feel like you’re an amazing teacher who is so talented – you simplify difficult concepts into something more palatable.
Thank you for this amazing initiative.
I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas.
I have been participating in your classes – and the U of M Annual tests – for many years. I thought that I was a pretty smart Paramedic until I took the first annual test, and realized I had a long way to go. Your classes, and my attention to what you teach has resulted in my status as The “Cardiac Paramedic” in the area. I regularly teach 12 Lead classes for Medics and answer cardiology questions for EMS and hospital providers as well. I have become a Life-Long Cardiology learner because of the excitement and zeal that you bring to the subject. I try to pass your love of the subject to others when I teach. Thank You!
I’m a UK-based Paramedic, and I find your videos and case-studies absolutely invaluable in my continued learning and development. When I’m asked to mentor Paramedic students, your name is the first thing that comes out of my mouth when we begin to cover ECG interpretation.
I am ED Reg at the RAH , I just want to say thank you Amal. You made me love and enjoy signing ECG !
My nurses come to me to sign ECGs (at least 10 ECG per shift! May be more), I sign these ECG with joy and smile then I try tech these nurses some of what I learnt from you . When I am done signing the ECG, I can see the happiness on nurses’ face because I changed a routine ECG signing thing to teach something and even better work relationship experience.
Thank you for making me having good relationship with my nurses.
Hey Amal.
I am David, from Austria and currently in a cardiology fellowship.
Since 2015 I am watching your videos on a regular basis and I have recommended your videos multiple times to friends and colleges.
Your way of teaching breaks down the modt complex ECGs and really improves patients care, especially mine.
Also my wife, a pediatrician, now is the expert on ECG in her department. All because of you.
Thank you for your time preparing these videos. I think this time is well spent. 😉 We all can see you love making them and I love watching them.
Merry Christmas and a lot of good ECGs.
Dr. Mattu’s ECG weekly has been a weekly staple in my CME from residency through fellowship and now as an academic EM/IM/Crit attending. He inspired me to help create an EKG curriculum for the residents at my institution. It is regularly regarded as one of the top grand rounds experiences provided at my institution on resident grand rounds surveys, and this is so solely because of everything Dr. Mattu has taught me through his weekly program. Of course, part of that curriculum includes access to ECG Weekly for all of our residents! In fact, all of our residents even know about his children thanks to the famous
Nikelekam T wave. Because of Dr. Mattu, I have become known as the ECG “guru.” When I hear this, I laugh and refer whoever states this to ECG Weekly to learn from the REAL guru. Dr. Mattu, your impact on medical education in the U.S. and across the world cannot be overstated in terms of ECG Weekly alone, let alone your multiple other educational platforms. The world is truly a MUCH better place for having you in it. Thank you!
I have been following ECG Weekly for almost two years now. You teach ECG interpretation in an easy to understand way with great tips/tricks. I have watched your lectures and purchased your book, both very valuable in my growth as a Paramedic and now as a Critical Care Paramedic. Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I enjoy highlighting your work and passing on what I learn from you.
My favorite lecture you gave was “How to avoid a clean kill with wide complex tachycardias.” I also learned the difference between a blocked PAC and high degree AVB. And so much more.
Hi Amal!
I’m a paramedic instructor out in Loveland Colorado. I can not tell you enough how much I look forward to your videos every week. I have learned so much from them and am so grateful you make these videos for us. They are so helpful. I tell every single one of my students to subscribe to your website as the videos are perfect and worth every single small penny we pay. Your teaching style is concise and clear and the flow is perfect.
Thank you so much for making these videos for us. We love them and we love you
Happy Holidays!
I have been listening to the ECG weekly program for many years and it has helped me on a number of occasions. I once identified a true Wellen’s patient. I thought the EP was going to lose his mind. Came in on a Sunday afternoon and took the patient immediately to the cath lab. I have had paramedics give patients many amps of bicarb and we were all amazed at the results – normalized ecg. I look forward to Monday mornings and the new program.
I’ve been a paramedic for the past 20 years. I rarely miss an episode of ECG Weekly because it is the best resource for me to keep up to date and well practiced. There isn’t a textbook or workshop out there even comes close to what I get out of The Weekly. I’ve even caught a couple zebras in the field that would have been near misses without the Weekly! Keep doing what you’re doing!
EKG Weekly has changed how I practice Emergency Medicine. Amal Mattu has made me a better physician. Before EW, I would read the computer interpretation and I thought all was well. Now I teach to medical students, sharing his knowledge.Amal has an effective, simple, straightforward way of teaching, with easy to read slides. I recommend him to all my students.
EKG Weekly is the best CME value out there.
I absolutely love the ECGWeekly. I am an EMS Captain with Fire Rescue and use it for continued knowledge and education. I then pass the knowledge onto my Paramedics.
Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and skills to rapidly identify life-threatening ECG abnormalities to save more lives and make a real difference in patient outcomes.
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