A 64-year-old man with PMHx of HTN, DM, and tobacco use presents with central chest pain that radiates to his left arm. The following ECG is obtained on arrival:
A 67-year-old man arrives at the emergency department with palpitations. He is noted to be tachycardic at triage and the following ECG is obtained and interpreted as “sinus tachycardia”:
A 69-year-old man arrives at the emergency department with shortness of breath and profuse sweating. The ECG obtained below shows sinus tachycardia at a rate of ~ 130 bpm with…
A 92-year-old man presents to the emergency department with acute chest pain and diaphoresis. The following ECG is obtained:
A 51-year-old man presents to the emergency department with acute chest pain that has progressively worsened over the past 3 hours. Pain radiates to the jaw and is associated with…
A 69-year-old man with PMHx of hypertension and polysubstance abuse presents to the emergency department for evaluation of exertional chest pain that resolves with rest. He is currently asymptomatic. The…
A 32-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with gradually worsening chest pain throughout the day. She has no significant medical history and no known cardiac risk factors. She reports…
A 37-year-old man with no significant past medical history presents to the emergency department with acute chest pain and shortness of breath after a meal. He suspects he is having…
A 60-year-old man is being transported by EMS to the emergency department for acute chest pain. The following ECG is transmitted prior to arrival as a “CODE STEMI” and brought…
A 50-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with acute chest pain. The following ECG is obtained on arrival:
A 72-year-old woman with a past medical history of diabetes, coronary artery disease, and heart failure presents to the emergency department with acute onset chest and back pain. Pain is…
A 70-year-old male presents to the emergency department with acute chest pain that sounds ischemic in nature. The following baseline ECG, arrival ECG, and repeat ECGs are obtained:
Instructions from Dr. Mattu: In some of the following questions, I’ll ask you for a FULL ECG interpretation/diagnosis. Here’s what I am asking for: SAMPLE QUESTION: A 58 yo M…
Instructions from Dr. Mattu: In some of the following questions, I’ll ask you for a FULL ECG interpretation/diagnosis. Here’s what I am asking for: SAMPLE QUESTION: A 58 yo M…
A 63-year-old man presents to the emergency department with acute chest pain and an episode of syncope. The following ECG is obtained, and the cath lab is activated for suspected…
A 61-year-old male is brought to the ED with acute substernal chest pain and diaphoresis. The following ECG is obtained:
Paramedics are transporting a middle aged male with chest pain and an obvious inferior STEMI. They arrive to the emergency department and the following ECG is obtained on arrival about…
A 57-year-old woman presents with chest pain and dyspnea. She is hemodynamically stable and her exam is non-diagnostic. The following ECG is obtained:
A 64-year-old man is being brought in by EMS for chest pain and shortness of breath. The following EMS ECG is obtained:
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