A 55-year-old man with a known left bundle branch block presents to ABEM general hospital with acute chest pain. Vital signs are normal and his pain is slightly improved with…
Key Points Definition: Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR) is a relatively benign arrhythmia that often occurs during reperfusion after myocardial infarction (MI), mimicking ventricular tachycardia (VT). Rate Distinction: Unlike true VT,…
A 52-year-old man with PMHx of diabetes presents to the emergency department with chest pain, nausea, vomiting, and cough. He is found to be tachycardic at triage. The following ECG…
A 70-year-old woman is brought into the ED by EMS with shortness of breath, weakness, and hypotension. The following prehospital ECG is obtained:
A 45-year-old male presents to the ED with chest pain and shortness of breath. The following ECG is obtained:
A 45-year-old male presents to the ED with chest pain and diaphoresis. He is being treated for a suspected MI and is noted to have a change in rhythm. The following…
A 50-year-old man presents to the ED with ischemic chest pain concerning for acute MI. During his work up and observation, he clinically improves but is noted to have a…
An 86-year-old man presents to the ED with substernal chest pressure, diaphoresis, and vomiting. The following ECG is obtained: