A 41-year-old female is brought into the ED by EMS unresponsive with unknown past medical history. She is found to be febrile, normotensive (126/78), tachycardic (120s-150s), tachypneic (30s with a…
A 79-year-old male is brought into the ED by EMS with palpitations and lightheadedness while doing light yardwork. He is found to have a wide complex tachycardia at 155 bpm,…
A 48-year-old female presents to the ED 2 days after Thanksgiving with complaints of severe generalized weakness, palpitations, and chest discomfort. She is noted to be tachycardic and tachypneic at…
HPI: A 76-year-old woman presents to the ED with dyspnea and a syncopal episode. History is limited because the patient is listless and confused. The following ECG was obtained: Case…
HPI: A 71-year- old woman with PMHx of HTN and “irregular heart rhythm” presents to the ED with weakness, lightheadedness, and occasional palpitations. She does not know the name of her medications…
A 46-year-old man with no known past medical history presents to the ED with recurrent witnessed seizures, actively seizing. The seizures are not responding to treatment with benzodiazepines. The following…