ECG STAT January 26, 2024
Right Bundle Branch Block

Key Points Definition: In Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB), the right bundle branch of the heart’s electrical conduction system is blocked, preventing direct activation of the right ventricle (RV). As…

Weekly Workout February 6, 2023
STAT ECG Diagnoses: how to identify acute coronary occlusion myocardial infarction in patients with right bundle branch blocks (RBBB)

A 61-year-old man presents to the emergency department with acute chest pain associated with diaphoresis and appears pale. While obtaining a history and performing a physical exam the patient has…

Weekly Workout May 1, 2022
STAT ECG Diagnoses: findings of occlusion MI in patients with right bundle branch block (RBBB)

A 51-year-old man presents to the emergency department with acute chest pain and shortness of breath. The following ECG is obtained with no priors available for comparison:

Weekly Workout January 3, 2022
EMS ECGs: hypothermia emergencies, accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR), and so much more!

 A 63-year-old male presents to the ED with chest ache, near syncope, and exertional lightheadedness. The following ECG is obtained: 

Weekly Workout November 8, 2021
STAT ECG Diagnoses: any ST segment elevation in patients with right bundle branch blocks (RBBB) is abnormal!

HPI:  A 70-year-old male with PMHx of HTN, DM, CKD, and CAD is brought to the emergency department with chest pain and shortness of breath. The following ECG is obtained…

Weekly Workout March 9, 2020
ECG Basics & Fundamentals: interval abnormalities can cause clinical uncertainty

A 40-year-old man presents with concerning chest pain. The following ECG is obtained:

Weekly Workout January 5, 2020
ECG Basics & Fundamentals: normal and expected findings in right bundle branch block (RBBB) vs patients with occlusion MI

A 61-year-old male with PMHx of atrial fibrillation on anticoagulation presents to the ED with chest pain for 1 day after eating beef stew. He is concerned about having bad…

Weekly Workout July 1, 2019
2019 ECG Competition Answers (Part 2/3)

This week we review the answers to questions 7-11, & 13 from the 7th Annual UMEM Residency ECG Competition. Make sure to attempt to answer the questions before clicking the red…

Weekly Workout June 17, 2019
Acute chest pain in a patient with a known right bundle branch block (RBBB)

 A 63-year-old male with multiple cardiac risk factors presents to a busy ED with chest pain. He has normal vital signs and a known right bundle branch block. The following…

Weekly Workout June 5, 2016
ECG Basics & Fundamentals: when does the QRS complex end and the ST segment begin in RBBB

A 67-year-old woman with PMHx of Diabetes is brought in by ambulance for 2 hours of chest pain. At arrival she reports mild associated arm pain. The following ECG is…

Weekly Workout April 10, 2016
How much ST segment elevation is acceptable in patients with a right bundle branch block

A 75-year-old man presents to the ED with weakness and dyspnea. The following ECG was obtained:

Weekly Workout May 11, 2015
2015 ECG Competition Answers (Part 1/2)

This week we review the answers to the first 6 cases from the UMEM Residency ECG Competition. Make sure to attempt to answer the questions before clicking the red boxes…

Weekly Workout April 20, 2015
ECG cases from Baltimore City EMS

Weekly Workout March 2, 2015
ECG Basics & Fundamentals: a systemactic approach to ECG interpretation

HPI:  A 78-year-old male presents to the ED complaining of generalized weakness. Case ECG

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