A 30-year-old woman calls 911 for chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and a rapid heart rate. On arrival, medics find her tachycardic and tachypneic with a normal blood pressure. The…
A 41-year-old female is brought into the ED by EMS unresponsive with unknown past medical history. She is found to be febrile, normotensive (126/78), tachycardic (120s-150s), tachypneic (30s with a…
A 60-year-old male presents to the ED with acute chest pain and lower extremity edema. He is noted to be tachycardic on arrival. The following ECG is obtained:
A 45-year-old with no known past medical history presents to the ED with palpitations. She is hemodynamically stable. The following ECG is obtained:
A patient is brought into the emergency department with palpitations, weakness, and shortness of breath. She has a normal blood pressure. The following ECG is obtained:
A 48-year-old man presents to the ED with 3-4 days of palpitations. The patient has a stable blood pressure but is found to have new onset atrial fibrillation with RVR….
HPI: A 71-year- old woman with PMHx of HTN and “irregular heart rhythm” presents to the ED with weakness, lightheadedness, and occasional palpitations. She does not know the name of her medications…
A 15-year-old girl presents to the ED listless and tremulous. She is unable to provide a reliable history. Her heart rate is around 150 bpm and she is mildly tachypneic…
A 78-year-old woman called EMS for palpitations and mild chest pressure. She was shocked 4 times prior to arrival for a wide complex tachycardia and waxing and waning mental status…
A 50-year-old man is brought to the ED with a regular wide complex tachycardia (RWCT) shown below. He is pain free with a normal blood pressure and mental status. His…
A 54-year-old man with no PMHx presents to the ED with palpitations. He is noted to be tachycardic but is stable with a normal blood pressure. The following ECG is…
A 65-year-old man presents to the ED with malaise, cough, and vomiting. The following ECG was obtained:
An elderly male with no known past medical history is brought into the ED via EMS s/p cardiac arrest. He was found to be unresponsive with a weak pulse at…