ECG Basics

Weekly Workout May 15, 2022
ECG Basics and Fundamentals: PR segment or TP? the isoelectric baseline you should use to measure ST segment deviation

 A 45-year-old woman presents to the ED with severe chest pain. She is minimally cooperative when trying to obtain a history and is requesting pain medication for severe pain. Physical…

Weekly Workout October 18, 2021
ECG Basics and Fundamentals: the value of ignoring the ECG computer interpretation and looking closely at all 12 leads

A 48-year-old female presents to the ED with palpitations and near-syncope. She reports multiple episodes of palpitations in the past that have not been evaluated. The following ECG is obtained:

Weekly Workout May 31, 2021
ECG Basics and Fundamentals: limb lead reversal

A 82-year-old woman presents to the ED “not feeling well”. She reports malaise, mild dyspnea, but denies any pain. Vital signs are normal. The following ECG is obtained on arrival…

Weekly Workout May 24, 2021
ECG Basics and Fundamentals: the isoelectric baseline used to evaluate ST segment deviation

A 45-year-old woman presents to the ED with severe chest pain. She is minimally cooperative when trying to obtain a history and is requesting pain medication for severe pain. Physical…

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